If You Came Looking For Pee Jokes, Urine Luck!
Everyone goes to the bathroom. It's a part of life. Everyone pees, poops, farts, gets constipated, or has diarrhea. Talking about these issues isn't always the easiest thing for some people, as it can be very embarrassing. But it shouldn't be. Why can't we be more honest and open about pee and poop? Why can't we make pee and poop jokes? I think if we shared our experiences more often, then maybe there wouldn't be a stigma or it wouldn't be a taboo topic. So let's dive into it and talk about it! Let's fart away together!
Anyone ever do the pee pee dance? I know everyone has! I do it every day!
Having bladder/bowel dysfunction can be nerve racking and stressful. You can be self conscious or have low self-esteem due to bladder/bowel dysfunction. You're constantly running to the bathroom or looking for bathroom exits. You may develop social anxiety. You may not want to leave your house or drive very far in fear of having to use the bathroom and not making it. I know my mom has been in situation where she hasn't made it home in time and had an accident. She's been in stores shopping and have accidents. It can be very embarrassing. Some people can't empty their bladder all the way, while others are constantly urinating. Some people are constipated, while others have diarrhea. But I don't like the embarrassment people put on others. One time my mom was in the bathroom at a clothing store and she farted while in the stall. She heard two young girls laughing and saying "ewww, do you have to do that in here"? Really? Is she not allowed to fart in a bathroom? Last time I checked that's the place to do it. Would you rather have her fart next to you while you're skimming the clothing racks? Didn't think so. Why are people so disgusted by natural bodily functions?
How about laughing, sneezing, or coughing and peeing yourself? I know it happens more than people would like to admit. I don't have MS and I'm relatively young, but I pee myself all the time sneezing. I pee myself sneezing so much that my clothes get wet and I have to change them. I cross my legs as much as possible when sneezing in fear of having an accident. I do know there is a product out there that's like a tampon but it's used for bladder leaks. Has anyone ever used them? Do they work? I'm curious and its something I may have to look into.
I also think there is a fear for some people that one day they may have to self-catheterize or have a colostomy bag. These are legit concerns for those who have MS and have bladder/bowel dysfunction. I know someone who has to self-catheterize and he says it's not as bad as he thought it was going to be. He says the idea of it was more scary then the actual act of doing it. I also know someone who is looking into getting Botox in her bladder. The Botox is supposed to help with over active bladder symptoms such as the need to urinate, urinating too often, and urinating with leakage or accidents. It's definitely something to think about and consider. There are methods out there to help if you ever get to that point where your bodily functions are no longer controllable.
If pads or incontinence underwear is something you have to use, don't be afraid or shamed to. If you pee yourself, laugh about it. My mom is always laughing at herself. But definitely have a serious discussion with your doc about any kind of dysfunction you are experiencing.
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? It wanted to get to the bottom!