It's Perfectly Ok To Not Be Ok

Do you want to sit on the couch and watch TV all day? Do you want to go out and get the mail? Do you want to get dressed? How about washing your hair? If you answered no to any or all of these, it's ok. Remember that. It's ok. It's ok to to have a bad day. Everyone has them. Just brushing your teeth in morning can be a chore. I get it. And if that's all you accomplished for the day, that's ok. You try again tomorrow. I know a lot people beat themselves up for not doing a millions things a day and feeling like they've accomplished nothing. They feel unproductive, useless, and like they have no purpose. Don't beat yourself up. 

It's perfectly ok to not be ok.

Try not to beat yourself up for having a bad day. Try again tomorrow. Maybe give yourself one task to do instead of trying to cram 10 in one day. 

Live in the moment. Don't worry about what you have to do tomorrow. Take one day at a time. Depression and anxiety can creep up on you real fast. Don't worry about all the woulda, coulda, shouldas. Be present. Live for today.

Find a task or hobby that makes you happy. Knit, crochet, paint, play music, take photos, cook, do what makes your heart happy. Hey, if you love to do laundry, fold the heck out of those clothes! Do what relaxes you and puts a smile on your face.

Take a break. Take a nap. Naps are not just for babies and old people. If you need a nap every day, put that eye mask on and drift off to your happy place. Take a few minutes to yourself every day. Sit in a room by yourself, close the door, and enjoy 10 minutes of peace and relaxation.

Kindness goes a long way. Be kind to yourself. Praise yourself when you did good, but don't beat yourself up when something didn't go as planned. You're not perfect. Newsflash! No one is!  

This isn't a marathon. Take small steps. Slow progress is still progress. Don't compare your progress to others. Everyone travels at their own pace. You may not be there today, but you're closer than you were yesterday.

Remember, it's ok to not be ok.


Faith Agauas said…
Hmmm, I wonder who that might be!!!

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